5 Ways to Feel Better in 5 Minutes: Quick Tricks for Stress Relief

5 Ways to Feel Better in 5 Minutes

Are you feeling the increased weight of stress on your life from the past year - or several years?

It's definitely made an impact in my life.

While I am passionate about natural health and stress relief, it's been near impossible to avoid the challenges of the past year-plus.

One of the reasons I am so motivated to teach and share about holistic wellness is because I am extra sensitive to the effects of stress. 

If you've dealt with trauma or chronic illness in the past, you may be more susceptible to health issues resulting from increased stress. 

According to WebMD, 75-90% of doctor visits are related to stress-induced illnesses and conditions. 

Because of this, I greatly embrace the wisdom of lifestyle medicine for the prevention of disease and wellness support. 

Here are 5 of my favorite ways to quickly relieve stress, move energy, boost positive hormones like endorphins and serotonin, feel better, and support the body's natural ability to come into homeostasis. 

  • Play an instrument: I love drumming on a frame drum, playing the Native American flute, or strumming a guitar or ukulele. No, I'm not very good at any of these, but it makes me feel so good! You don't have to be trained or an expert to have fun. Learning new things help make new neurological connections in the brain. And music makes us feel good!

  • Sing or hum: Singing is a great way to get musical and you don't even need an instrument. It can be a wonderful way to enhance your mood. I like to sing to my kids, when I'm at home by myself or driving in my car. You can put on some of your favorite music, sing a favorite song from your childhood (anyone else still remembers all their old camp songs?), or make up a new tune. If you don't feel comfortable singing, you can also just hum. Humming has lots of health benefits! It's great for opening up the sinuses (remember this as allergy season is near) and moving energy through the head.

  • Dance it out: Just put on music that makes you want to move and dance around your living room! I love to dance, and I've been a hoop-dancer for 17 years! You don't need anything to dance and move, but if you want to have some fun - try a dance hoop. It's a great way to boost your endorphins, move your lymph, and boost your immune health!

  • Go stand outside barefoot on the earth: Grounding sounds like a New Age practice but this one doesn't involve any kind of visualization. And it's verified by extensive scientific data to show that skin connection with the bare earth grounds our electromagnetic energy with the field of the earth and supports heart health, reduces inflammation, and can even reduce pain. I notice if I'm on the computer too much or have been in dry indoor environments, that going out and standing on the earth noticeably reduces static electricity and reduces my crankiness. It works!

  • Give stuff away: Did you know that women are more affected by the stress of clutter and stuff than men? I don't know about you, but when I am feeling blah, there is something cathartic about getting rid of stuff. I get a bag or a box and start cleaning out my closet, or my kids' closets, or books, or the pantry, or the basement. Not only is decluttering and simplifying soothing for the nervous system, but doing good things for others also makes us feel better. I love filling my car my bags to donate and dropping them off in my community. I regularly donate items to a local homeless outreach organization and love driving around and filling up the Little Free Libraries with books for kids.

Anytime you are feeling blah, try one of these and feel how much better you can feel in just 5 or 10 minutes!

Do you have a favorite way to boost your mood and shift your energy that is an easy trick to share? I'd love to hear from you!

Many blessings,

Kara Maria Ananda