How to Protect Your Health From EMFs

The 5G network in the US is expanding across the country, bringing higher frequencies to a much broader area of coverage.

5G is 20-30 times stronger than 4G. Our cells communicate through electromagnetic signals so the increase in other incoherent EMF signals can cause disruption in our natural health. 

Many people are concerned about the increasingly polluted electrical soup we are living in daily, and how this may be impacting our health and wellbeing. 

It's not just 5G, it's all the EMF radiation we are exposed to daily - including our vehicles, household appliances, irradiated food, WiFi, cell phones, smart meters, electricity, broadcasting, and more. 

The health consequences vary among people depending on their sensitivity, and many people don't connect the dots with EMFs, due to the normalization of constant electronic exposure today and the invisibility of the many frequencies we are increasingly bombarded with. 

Some of the most common side-effects are insomnia, tinnitus, brain fog, heart palpitations and irregularity, fatigue, dizziness, and skin reactions. 

There are proactive steps we can take to protect ourselves from harmful EMF radiation exposure and effects. 

This includes reducing exposure, shielding ourselves, grounding, taking iodine, and detoxing from heavy metals in the body. 

When our bodies are full of heavy metals, they react strongly to the EMF frequencies, just like putting a metal object in a microwave. 

Now, of course, we need minerals for optimal health, but most people today are suffering from health consequences due to mineral dysfunction and lack the right balance of minerals - especially magnesium and copper.

That's interesting because many EMF shielding technologies are made with copper, which is known to protect us from the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies. Our bodies need bioavailable copper to thrive and to process other minerals properly. 

top action steps for EMF management:

1. Avoid smart meters. 

If you have one in the house try to get it removed. If you can't then try to have everyone sleep on the other side of the house to avoid exposure when the body is in repair mode. 

2. Turn off Wifi at night. 

Even better, you can not have Wifi and hardwire all electronics, but otherwise, turn it off while sleeping. 

3. Keep electronics away from your body and head. 

Use headphones when talking on your cell phone. Keep your laptop off your lap as much as possible - especially if you are pregnant or planning to conceive! 

4. Increase your iodine intake. 

Dulse seaweed is very high in iodine and is one of my favorite healthy snack foods. Iodine is powerful for helping the body regulate hormones, boost the immune system, and reduce heavy metals. This is important for reducing radiation build-up in the body.

5. Eat spirulina and chlorella. 

These two superfoods are great at cleansing the body of excess heavy metals and have many health benefits. These superfoods help to support cellular, bone, and DNA health while making us less vulnerable to EMF radiation which is worse with high heavy metal loads.

6. Get grounded.

Walk barefoot on the ground daily. Look into grounding technology while indoors or sleeping. This may be the biggest thing you can do to protect yourself from EMFs which build up in the body. Grounding, through skin touching the earth, balances your body's electromagnetic energy fields, reduces inflammation, and supports cardiovascular health. Even in winter, I go outside barefoot whenever I can find a little patch of earth! 

There are many more things you can utilize to protect and shield yourself from EMF as well as to mitigate the harmful effects of the radiation, including using shungite, orgone, activated charcoal, zeolite, magnesium, and more. 

Biological EMF Protection

X49 Phototherapy Patch

I'm also extraordinarily excited about the new X49 phototherapy patch just released by LifeWave which enhances a copper peptide in the body that enhances performance, energy, muscle mass, cardiovascular health - and protects from EMFs! 

I wrote recently about how much the X39 patch has transformed my health and revitalized my life! 

The X39 patch stimulates the production of GHK-(Cu) Copper Peptide in the body which is proven to activate stem cells and produce more stem cells for wide-range whole-body effects including decreased pain, increased energy, and cellular repair.

The X49 patch is designed to work synergistically with the X39 for even greater health benefits by stimulating the AHK-Cu Copper Peptide for heart and brain health - plus so much more.

It is the first product that I have heard of that creates a biological Faraday cage effect inside the body, functionally protecting from harmful EMFs in the brain and body. You can hear more about the incredible science of the X49 patch from David Schmidt, the inventor and CEO of Lifewave, here - including beginning at the 30 minute mark how it protects from EMF. 

Learn more about the Lifewave patches and find out how you can regenerate your stem cells and protect from EMF radiation with phototherapy technology. Contact me if you would like to know more! 

Many blessings,

Kara Maria Ananda
WellnessKara Maria Ananda