The Health Benefits of Dates and an Easy Snack Recipe

Chocolate Nut Butter Stuffed Dates Recipe

Dates are the sweet fruit of the date palm tree which provide a wealth of nutrients and health benefits.

They are considered to be the oldest cultivated fruit in the world.

The culinary history of date fruit goes back to the Ancient Middle East.

Thousands of year ago, dates were cooked into a sweet date syrup, which was the most common sweetener in Ancient Mediterranean cuisine.

Today, the delicious dried fruits are used in a variety of recipes as a natural sweetener.

Dates are as versatile as they are delicious, and popular recipes include energy balls, raw desserts, and stuffed dates.

Plus, they make delicious snacks all by themselves.

They are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, including protein, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, calcium, and Vitamin B6.

A couple of dates are an excellent energy boost for a mid-afternoon snack, before exercising, or to satisfy a sugar craving.

Dates are very sweet, so they are best in moderation, however they are an excellent alternative to conventional sugary treats.

They are nature’s candy!

Dates with Almond Butter, Coconut, and Chocolate Recipe

Dates are also especially good for pregnant women.

Studies have shown that women who consume dates regularly during pregnancy have shorter labors.

Dates also help to increase the function of oxytocin, the hormone of love, in the body, which makes us feel good and also is essential for optimal labor.

I know midwives that give their clients jars full of dates in the last few weeks of pregnancy to help encourage easier births.

I’m going to share with you my favorite easy date snack recipe with minimal ingredients and easy variations.

Almond Butter Stuffed Dates: Easy Healthy Snack Recipe

Almond Butter Stuffed Dates

Use organic ingredients as much as possible, and feel free to play around with this recipe.

I love chunky almond butter stuffed in my dates, but any nut butter will be wonderful as well.

Chocolate and sea salt is definitely the top favorite variety in my house, but coconut flakes are a close second.

You could also do both!


Medjool dates

Almond butter


Chocolate chips

Coconut flakes

Sea salt


Use a knife to slice lengthwise along the date pressing only halfway into the date.

Be sure to remove the hard pit from the center of the date.

Spoon a scant teaspoon of almond butter into the center of the date.

You can eat it simply stuffed with almond butter, or add toppings as desired.

For coconut topped, simply sprinkle on top of the nut butter stuffed date and enjoy.

For chocolate-covered, melt the chocolate chips in a bain-marie (hot water bath or double boiler) until melted and drizzle over the tops.

Then sprinkle sea salt on top of the chocolate, and set the dates in the fridge for 20 minutes for the chocolate to solidify.

Healthy Easy Snack of Chocolate Covered Almond Butter Stuffed Dates

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Stuffed Dates Recipe

Dates are so delicious and a healthy snack for energy and nutrients.

You can feel free to enjoy them on their own, but I hope this inspires you to dress up your dates and enjoy them as a healthy easy snack that looks beautiful too.

Many blessings,

Kara Maria

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