The Difference Between Birth Control and Fertility Awareness

The Difference Between Fertility Awareness and Birth Control

There is a difference between “birth control” and “fertility awareness”. When you are acting in the effort of trying to control an external outcome that you are wishing to prevent, you are giving a lot of negative energy toward that outcome. In the practice of controlling the outcome of birth, the result is a highly controlled birth experience in the medical world with 99% of babies being born in hospitals and women experiencing epidemics of c-sections and inductions. Two-thirds of teenage girls in the US are on birth control pills, thus beginning their education and knowledge of their menstrual and fertility cycles learning to be submissive, controlled, and dependent upon the pharmaceutical companies and medical doctors, who then monopolize the subsequent cycles of bleeding, fertility, pregnancy, birth, and menopause. 

Conscious Fertility

Conscious fertility is the practice of being conscious of one’s fertility and then learning invaluable wisdom of how to know when one’s fertile or not and cultivating the natural fertile energy as vital life force for creativity, longevity, thriving, and sensuality. Harnessing the sexual feminine life force of fertility through consciousness gives women empowered knowledge for personal thriving health in all cycles of her life. It begins with awareness rather than control. 

Natural fertility awareness has so many incredible benefits including being free, healthy, educational, and empowering. When correctly practiced, the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is the most effective method of conscious family planning for preventing pregnancy. This is not the rhythm method in which you just guess when you are not fertile, FAM involves charting several fertility factors, including basal body temperature, cervical fluid, cervical position, and menstruation and involves proper education and awareness in knowing how to read and understand the whole fertile picture. 

Learning Fertility Awareness

The best sources for information on how to correctly practice the FAM are the books: “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler and “The Garden of Fertility” by Katie Singer. The benefits of natural fertility awareness over pharmaceutical, surgical, inflammatory, or barrier methods of birth control is that there is no negative side effects with fertility awareness. It is necessary to be very involved in one’s self-care, daily observation, and responsible to use fertility awareness as the only form of pregnancy prevention. Studies have found that the Fertility Awareness Method is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancies when women are educated and coached in FAM and follow the guidelines correctly. 

Modern medical thinking discourages fertility awareness believing that women are not smart enough to be responsible for monitoring and knowing their own fertility patterns effectively. Yet, fertility awareness is so simple that health education groups teach it to women in third world countries who are illiterate and without books or computers through counting out the days of the cycle with beads or stones. With books, software, fertility microscopes, and charts we can learn so much about our cycle and fertility that we can avoid pharmaceutical birth control or invasive or uncomfortable pregnancy preventers. 

More and more women are learning of the dangers of pharmaceutical, chemical, barrier, and implant methods of birth control and learning of natural methods of charting their cycles. Natural fertility practices however do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases, so that is where practicing conscious relationships come into play with conscious sexuality. 

Conscious Sexuality

Conscious sexuality is natural companion to conscious fertility. Committed relationships offer protection from sexual diseases when you know the health of your partner and trust them to be not engaging in sexual relations with other people without your knowing. Conscious communication skills, intuition, trust, and love are all essential factors for healthy sexual relationships. Healthy natural living for both partners through exercise, clean foods and lifestyle, spiritual practice, and emotional honesty are key for long-term thriving relationships with vitality and health for the whole couple.